sq config get
See the config section for an overview of sq
Show config option. By default, only explicitly set options are shown.
Use the -v flag to see all options. When flag --src is provided, show config
just for that source.
sq config get
# Show individual base option
$ sq config get conn.max-open
# Show more detail, in YAML
$ sq config get conn.max-open -yv
# Show option for src
$ sq config get --src @sakila conn.max-open
-t, --text Output text
-h, --header Print header row (default true)
-H, --no-header Don't print header row
-j, --json Output JSON
-y, --yaml Output YAML
-c, --compact Compact instead of pretty-printed output
--src string Config for source
--help help for get
Global Flags:
--config string Load config from here
--debug.pprof string pprof profiling mode (default "off")
--error.format string Error output format (default "text")
-E, --error.stack Print error stack trace to stderr
--log Enable logging
--log.file string Log file path (default "/Users/neilotoole/Library/Logs/sq/sq.log")
--log.format string Log output format (text or json) (default "text")
--log.level string Log level, one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR (default "DEBUG")
-M, --monochrome Don't print color output
--no-progress Don't show progress bar
--no-redact Don't redact passwords in output
-v, --verbose Print verbose output