
Use the root sq cmd to execute queries against data sources.

Pipe Data

For file-based sources (such as CSV or XLSX), you can sq add the source file, but you can also use the UNIX pipe mechanism:

$ cat ./example.xlsx | sq .Sheet1

Similarly, you can inspect:

$ cat ./example.xlsx | sq inspect

Predefined variables

The --arg flag passes a value to sq as a predefined variable:

$ sq --arg first "TOM" '.actor | .first_name == $first'
actor_id  first_name  last_name  last_update
38        TOM         MCKELLEN   2020-06-11T02:50:54Z
42        TOM         MIRANDA    2020-06-11T02:50:54Z


sq can output results in many formats.

--table-tText table
--jsona-ALF-delimited JSON arrays
--jsonl-JLF-delimited JSON objects
--raw-rRaw bytes, without any encoding or delimiter
--xlsx-xExcel XLSX
--mdMarkdown table
--htmlHTML table

By default, sq outputs to stdout. You can use shell redirection to write sq output to a file:

$ sq --csv .actor  > actor.csv

But you can also use --output (-o) to specify a file:

$ sq --csv .actor -o actor.csv

Override active source

As explained in the sources section, when you add your first source, it becomes the active source. That means that queries without an explicit @handle are assumed to refer to the active source. You can change the active source using sq src @othersrc.

Sometimes you may want to override the active source just for a single query. You can do that using the --src flag:

# Show the active source
$ sq src

$ sq  '.actor | count'

# Execute the same query, this time against @prod
$ sq --src @prod '.actor | count'

Override active schema

Similarly, you can override the active schema using --src.schema. For example, let’s say you have a Postgres source @customers, with a schema for each customer. Use --src.schema=SCHEMA_NAME to override the active schema:

$ sq --src.schema=acme '.orders | count'

$ sq --src.schema=momcorp '.orders | count'

You can use the sq builtin schema() function to output the active schema:

$ sq --src.schema=acme 'schema()'

In addition to overriding the active schema, --src.schema can also be used to override the active catalog when used in the catalog.schema form. Let’s say you had another catalog (database) named projects on the same Postgres cluster, and a schema named apollo in that catalog. You would specify catalog.schema like this:

$ sq --src.schema=projects.apollo '.missions | count'

There’s also an equivalent catalog() builtin function that returns the active catalog:

$ sq --src.schema=projects.apollo 'catalog(), schema()'
catalog()  schema()
projects   apollo

Note that not every database implements catalog support (this includes MySQL and SQLite). See the driver support matrix.


sq is a swiss-army knife for wrangling data.

  $ sq '@sakila_pg | .actor | where(.actor_id > 2) | .first_name, .last_name | .[0:10]'

Use sq to query Postgres, SQLite, SQLServer, MySQL, CSV, Excel, etc,
and output in text, JSON, CSV, Excel and so on, or write output to a
database table.

You can query using sq's own jq-like syntax, or in native SQL.

Use "sq inspect" to view schema metadata. Use the "sq tbl" commands
to copy, truncate and drop tables. Use "sq diff" to compare source
metadata and row data.

See docs and more: https://sq.io

  sq [command]

  # Add Postgres source.
  $ sq add postgres://user@localhost/sakila -p
  Password: ****

  # List available data sources.
  $ sq ls

  # Set active data source.
  $ sq src @sakila_pg

  # Get specified cols from table address in active data source.
  $ sq '.actor | .actor_id, .first_name, .last_name'

  # Ping a data source.
  $ sq ping @sakila_pg

  # View metadata (schema, stats etc) for data source.
  $ sq inspect @sakila_pg

  # View metadata for a table.
  $ sq inspect @sakila_pg.actor

  # Output all rows from 'actor' table in JSON.
  $ sq -j .actor

  # Output in text format (with header).
  $ sq -th .actor

  # Output in text format (no header).
  $ sq -tH .actor

  # Output to a HTML file.
  $ sq --html '@sakila_pg.actor' -o actor.html

  # Join across data sources.
  $ sq '@my1.person, @pg1.address | join(.uid) | .username, .email, .city'

  # Insert query results into a table in another data source.
  $ sq --insert=@pg1.person '@my1.person | .username, .email'

  # Execute a database-native SQL query, specifying the source.
  $ sq sql --src=@pg1 'SELECT uid, username, email FROM person LIMIT 2'

  # Copy a table (in the same source).
  $ sq tbl copy @sakila_pg.actor .actor2

  # Truncate table.
  $ sq tbl truncate @sakila_pg.actor2

  # Drop table.
  $ sq tbl drop @sakila_pg.actor2

  # Pipe an Excel file and output the first 10 rows from sheet1
  $ cat data.xlsx | sq '.sheet1 | .[0:10]'

Available Commands:
  add         Add data source
  src         Get or set active data source
  group       Get or set active group
  ls          List sources and groups
  mv          Move/rename sources and groups
  rm          Remove data source or group
  inspect     Inspect data source schema and stats
  ping        Ping data sources
  sql         Execute DB-native SQL query or statement
  tbl         Useful table actions (copy, truncate, drop)
  db          Useful database actions
  diff        BETA: Compare sources, or tables
  driver      Manage drivers
  config      Manage config
  cache       Manage cache
  version     Show version info
  help        Show help
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

  -f, --format string                  Specify output format (default "text")
  -t, --text                           Output text
  -h, --header                         Print header row (default true)
  -H, --no-header                      Don't print header row
      --help                           Show help
  -j, --json                           Output JSON
  -A, --jsona                          Output LF-delimited JSON arrays
  -J, --jsonl                          Output LF-delimited JSON objects
  -C, --csv                            Output CSV
      --tsv                            Output TSV
      --html                           Output HTML table
      --markdown                       Output Markdown
  -r, --raw                            Output each record field in raw format without any encoding or delimiter
  -x, --xlsx                           Output Excel XLSX
      --xml                            Output XML
  -y, --yaml                           Output YAML
  -c, --compact                        Compact instead of pretty-printed output
      --format.datetime string         Timestamp format: constant such as RFC3339 or a strftime format (default "RFC3339")
      --format.datetime.number         Render numeric datetime value as number instead of string (default true)
      --format.date string             Date format: constant such as DateOnly or a strftime format (default "DateOnly")
      --format.date.number             Render numeric date value as number instead of string (default true)
      --format.time string             Time format: constant such as TimeOnly or a strftime format (default "TimeOnly")
      --format.time.number             Render numeric time value as number instead of string (default true)
      --format.excel.datetime string   Timestamp format string for Excel datetime values (default "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm")
      --format.excel.date string       Date format string for Excel date-only values (default "yyyy-mm-dd")
      --format.excel.time string       Time format string for Excel time-only values (default "hh:mm:ss")
  -o, --output string                  Write output to <file> instead of stdout
      --insert string                  Insert query results into @HANDLE.TABLE; if not existing, TABLE will be created
      --src string                     Override active source for this query
      --src.schema string              Override active schema (and/or catalog) for this query
      --ingest.driver string           Explicitly specify driver to use for ingesting data
      --ingest.header                  Ingest data has a header row
      --no-cache                       Don't cache ingest data
      --driver.csv.delim string        Delimiter for ingest CSV data (default "comma")
      --driver.csv.empty-as-null       Treat ingest empty CSV fields as NULL (default true)
      --version                        Print version info
  -M, --monochrome                     Don't print color output
      --no-progress                    Don't show progress bar
      --no-redact                      Don't redact passwords in output
  -v, --verbose                        Print verbose output
      --debug.pprof string             pprof profiling mode (default "off")
      --config string                  Load config from here
      --log                            Enable logging
      --log.file string                Log file path (default "/Users/neilotoole/Library/Logs/sq/sq.log")
      --log.level string               Log level, one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR (default "DEBUG")
      --log.format string              Log output format (text or json) (default "text")
      --error.format string            Error output format (default "text")
  -E, --error.stack                    Print error stack trace to stderr

Use "sq [command] --help" for more information about a command.