Sakila DB

Sakila is an example dataset, ported to many databases.

sq documentation typically uses the Sakila example database. Sakila was originally created for MySQL, but the data is available for many database implementations.

This page shows how to add a Sakila source to sq for various driver types.


To add a source with handle @sakila_sl3, download sakila.db and sq add.

$ wget

$ sq add ./sakila.db --handle=@sakila_sl3
@sakila_sl3  sqlite3  sakila.db

Note above the --handle=@sakila_sl3 flag. This flag is optional: if no handle specified, a suitable handle is generated. You can also use the shorthand flag -N @sakila_sl3.


The Sakila database has been bundled into a Postgres docker image. Run the image and then sq add.

It may take several minutes for docker to download and start the image. Eventually the docker logs will show: sakiladb/postgres has successfully initialized.. Shortly after this message is logged, the database should start accepting connections.

$ docker run -d -p 5432:5432 sakiladb/postgres:latest
# Wait a while...

sq add 'postgres://sakila:p_ssW0rd@localhost/sakila' --handle @sakila_pg
@sakila_pg  postgres  sakila@localhost/sakila

SQL Server

The Sakila database has been bundled into a SQL Server docker image. Run the image and then sq add.

It may take several minutes for docker to download and start the image. Eventually the docker logs will show: sakiladb/sqlserver has successfully initialized.. Shortly after this message is logged, the database should start accepting connections.

$ docker run -d -p 1433:1433 sakiladb/sqlserver:latest
# Wait a while...

$ sq add 'sqlserver://sakila:p_ssW0rd@localhost:1433?database=sakila' --handle @sakila_sqlserver
@sakila_sqlserver  sqlserver  sakila@localhost:1433/sakila

Azure SQL Edge

The Sakila database has been bundled into an Azure SQL Edge docker image. Azure SQL Edge is effectively a slimmed-down SQL Server distro, but it runs both on amd64 and arm64. Note that sq treats Azure SQL Edge as if it is SQL Server (they use the same driver etc.).

Run the image and then sq add.

It may take several minutes for docker to download and start the image. Eventually the docker logs will show: sakiladb/sqlserver has successfully initialized.. Shortly after this message is logged, the database should start accepting connections.

$ docker run -d -p 1433:1433 sakiladb/azure-sql-edge:latest
# Wait a while...

$ sq add 'sqlserver://sakila:p_ssW0rd@localhost:1433?database=sakila' --handle @sakila_sqlserver
@sakila_sqlserver  sqlserver  sakila@localhost:1433/sakila


The Sakila database has been bundled into a MySQL docker image. Run the image and then sq add.

It may take several minutes for docker to download and start the image. Eventually the docker logs will show: sakiladb/mysql has successfully initialized.. Shortly after this message is logged, the database should start accepting connections.

$ docker run -d -p 3306:3306 sakiladb/mysql:latest
# Wait a while...

$ sq add 'mysql://sakila:p_ssW0rd@localhost:3306/sakila' --handle @sakila_mysql
@sakila_mysql  mysql  sakila@localhost:3306/sakila

Microsoft Excel XLSX

To add a source with handle @sakila_xlsx, download sakila.xlsx and sq add.

$ wget

$ sq add ./sakila.xlsx --handle @sakila_xlsx
@sakila_xlsx  xlsx  sakila.xlsx


Note that CSV is a “monotable” data type. There’s effectively only a single table unlike, say, XLSX, which can have multiple sheets/tables. Thus, each Sakila table exists as a separate CSV file. When added to sq, each of these CSV files would become its own data source, e.g. @sakila_csv_actor, @sakila_csv_film etc, with the data accessible via sq, sq etc.

Download and extract sakila-csv.tar.gz ( or sakila-tsv.tar.gz), and sq add.

$ wget -qO- | tar xvz -
$ cd sakila-csv
$ ls
actor.csv    category.csv  country.csv   film.csv        film_category.csv  inventory.csv  payment.csv  staff.csv
address.csv  city.csv      customer.csv  film_actor.csv  film_text.csv      language.csv   rental.csv   store.csv

$ sq add actor.csv --handle @sakila_csv_actor
@sakila_csv_actor  csv  actor.csv