
sq diff compares metadata, or row data, for sources, or individual tables.

sq diff source default

sq diff takes as arguments either a pair of sources (“source diff”), or a pair of tables (“table diff”). For our examples, we’ll use a pair of Postgres databases, @sakila/prod and @sakila/staging.

Use flags to specify the elements you want to compare. The available elements are:

  • --overview: source metadata, without schema (source diff only)
  • --dbprops: database/server properties (source diff only)
  • --schema: schema structure, for database or individual table
  • --counts: show row counts when using --schema
  • --data: row data values
  • --all: all of the above

Default behavior

For table diff, the default behavior is to diff table schema and row counts. Table row data is not compared.

# Diff the "address" table in staging vs prod.
$ sq diff @sakila/staging.address @sakila/prod.address

sq diff table default

In the example above, we see that the row counts differ, and also that the table structure is different: the column zip_code in @sakila/staging is named postal_code in @sakila/prod.

For source diff, the default behavior is to diff the source overview, schema, and table row counts. Table row data is not compared.

$ sq diff @sakila/staging @sakila/prod

sq diff source default


To compare row data, use the --data (-d) flag.

# Diff the rows of the "actor" table in staging vs prod.
$ sq diff @sakila/staging.actor @sakila/prod.actor --data

sq diff table data


In early releases, sq diff --data would compare every row in the table. Most often this wasn’t desired. After the first 500 differing rows or so, you probably got the idea; the next 999,500 rows of terminal output weren’t really helping.

Now diff will stop after N differences, where N is controlled by the --stop (-n) flag, or the diff.stop config setting. The default is 3.

# Show the first 5 differing rows.
$ sq diff @sakila/staging.actor @sakila/prod.actor --data --stop 5

# Show only the first differing row, using the -n shorthand.
$ sq diff @sakila/staging.actor @sakila/prod.actor --data -n1

# You can still diff all rows using --stop 0.
$ sq diff @sakila/staging.actor @sakila/prod.actor --data --stop 0


Use the --format (-f) flag with --data to specify the row data output format.

sq diff table data format

The default is text. The available formats are: text, csv, tsv,json, jsona, jsonl, markdown, html, xml, yaml.

You can change the default via sq config set diff.data.format.


Use --schema (-S) to compare only schema/structure. This applies both to source diff and table diff.

# Compare the structure of every table/view in staging vs prod.
$ sq diff @sakila/staging @sakila/prod --schema

sq diff source schema


Use --counts (-N) in conjunction with --schema to also see row counts.

# Show schema for each table, and row counts.
$ sq diff @sakila/staging @sakila/prod --schema --counts

# Shorthand
$ sq diff @sakila/staging @sakila/prod -SC


Use --overview (-O) to diff high-level source metadata. This flag applies only to source diff. It compares the source definitions (handle, driver, location), as well as some high-level information about the database (product, version, etc.).

$ sq diff @sakila/staging @sakila/prod --overview

sq diff source overview


Use --dbprops (-B) to diff database/server properties. Applies only to source diff.

$ sq diff @sakila/staging @sakila/prod --dbprops

sq diff dbprops


Use --all (-a) to diff every element in both sources. Use with caution with large tables.

$ sq diff @sakila/staging @sakila/prod --all

--unified (lines)

You can control the number of surrounding lines using the --unified (-U) flag. The default is 3.

# Don't show any surrounding lines
$ sq diff @sakila/staging.actor @sakila/prod.actor --data -U0

# Show 5 surrounding lines
$ sq diff @sakila/staging.actor @sakila/prod.actor --data -U5

sq diff unified

You can set the default number of lines via sq config set diff.lines.