
sq can output in many formats, e.g. text or json. It can also write results to a database, using --insert. The output format can be specified using command-line flags (e.g. --text, --json etc.), or it can be set using config. The default is text. As an alternative to the shorthand forms, you can also use --format text etc.

# Execute a query, and output in CSV
$ sq '.actor | .first_name, .last_name' --csv

# Alternative --format flag
$ sq '.actor | .first_name, .last_name' --format csv

# Check default format
$ sq config get format

# Set config format
$ sq config set format json

# View list of output formats
$ sq config set format --help
Available formats:

  text, csv, tsv, xlsx,
  json, jsona, jsonl,
  markdown, html, xlsx, xml, yaml, raw

The output format applies to queries (e.g. sq .actor --json), and also to other sq commands, e.g. sq inspect @sakila --yaml. Not every command implements each format. For example, there’s no markdown output format for sq version. But every command (except for help) supports at least text and json output.



The --verbose (-v) flag does not affect the output of a sq query, but it frequently modifies the behavior of other sq commands.

sq -v

-v works with a significant number of sq commands. Give it a try. It can also be set via config.

Some formats optionally display a header row. This is controlled via --header (-h) or --no-header (-H). Or set via config. The default is to print the header.

sq query header


For some formats, the --compact (-c) flag prints compact instead of pretty-printed output. It can also be set via config.

JSON is the main use case for --compact. This example outputs a query in compact JSON (-jc), followed by the same query in pretty JSON.

sq query -jc


Use --monochrome (-M) flag to output without color. Or set via config.

sq query -M


By default, sq outputs timestamps in an IS08601 format, in UTC, e.g. 2020-06-11T02:50:54Z.

You can use --format.datetime to specify a pre-defined format such as unix or RFC3339. Or you can supply an arbitrary strftime format, such as %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.

sq query datetime

Similarly --format.date and --format.time control the rendering of date and time values.

There are yet more formatting options available. Check out the full list in the config guide.



text (-t) is the default format.

sq query –text


json (-j) outputs an array of JSON objects. Use -c (--compact) to output compact instead of pretty-printed JSON.

sq query –json


jsona (-A) outputs JSON Array. This is LF-delimited JSON arrays of values, without keys.

sq query –jsona


jsonl (-J) outputs JSON Lines. This is LF-delimited JSON objects.

sq query –jsonl

csv, tsv

csv (-C) outputs Comma-Separated Values. Its twin tsv (-T) outputs Tab-Separated Values.

sq query csv


markdown outputs markdown tables.

sq query –markdown


html outputs a table in a HTML document.

sq query –html


xml (-X) outputs an XML document.

sq query –xml


xlsx (-x) outputs an Excel .xlsx document.

sq query –xlsx

There are three config options for controlling date/time output. Note that these format strings are distinct from format.datetime and friends, because Excel has its own format string mechanism.


yaml (-y) outputs YAML.

sq query –yaml


--raw outputs each record field in raw format without any encoding or delimiter.

sq query –raw

This is more commonly used with BLOB fields.

sq query –raw image

Typically you want to send raw output to a file.

$ sq '.images | .data | .[0]' --raw > gopher.gif; open gopher.gif

sq query –raw gopher


Use the --insert @SOURCE.TABLE flag to write records to a table. This powerful mechanism can be used to move data from one source to another. If the named table does not exist, it is created.

$ sq '.actor | .[0:2]' --insert @sakila/pg12.actor_import
Inserted 2 rows into @sakila/pg12.actor_import

sq query –insert